Icône GORILLE Cloud


An instant characterization tool for your executable files in SAAS or on-premise


How to quickly detect malware hidden in an executable file?

Go beyond the limits of signature analysis, bypass malware obfuscation with morphological analysis.


See GORILLE in action


Save time (and money) by discovering the hidden intentions of an executable file in seconds

GORILLE Cloud features:

Characterization of malware or variants still unknown

Double static and dynamic analysis

Detection of obfuscation techniques

Platform available in SAAS, on-premise or hybrid integration

Integration and automation with the Json REST API

Easy to use standard web interface

Who is GORILLE Cloud for ?

More accessible than our Expert solution, GORILLE Cloud embeds the best of reverse engineering in a clear interface.

The result of this static and/or dynamic analysis of the executable file allows to detect malware and its variants.

Morphological Analysis:
the exceptional strength of GORILLE

Behind each GORILLE solution is a unique and innovative technology: Morphological Analysis.

By exploring the behavior of executable files, GORILLE detects threats in seconds, anticipates attacks and offers unique accuracy on its malware analysis.

Detecting complex threats.

Diagnose in a few clicks and trace the origin of malware with morphological analysis.

Want to see our GORILLE in action ?