In 2021, we had the chance to participate in the European consortium CONCORDIA, a unique network of competences in cybersecurity. The project brings together the best European players in terms of technologies, processes and services in order to establish a user-centric, EU-integrated cybersecurity ecosystem for digital sovereignty in Europe.
We are particularly involved in the “malware analysis” task of this project, in collaboration with LORIA (Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Nancy, France).
Beyond our research work, we represent the CONCORDIA consortium during our various participations in cyber events such as:
- The reference event FIC (International Forum of Cybersecurity) in Lille (France), where we presented a technical demonstration entitled “Malware: a patrol to detect dormant variants”. During this workshop, the GORILLE Patrol solution based on Morphological Analysis was presented as a real answer to the desobfuscation and characterization of malware. We also demonstrated our advanced malware detection solutions on our booth.
- The 100% Cybersecurity webinar Hack’it’N, gathering prestigious speakers. During this webinar, we presented our answer to the problems encountered by the strategic manager of the Cybersecurity department of a large health structure, namely the massive attack of one of its partners. Thanks to GORILLE solutions, we demonstrated that it was possible to audit all the workstations in order to know if executable codes had been infiltrated in their network.
- We were also keen to represent the European CONCORDIA consortium during the European Cyber Week event in Rennes, alongside the Cyber Pole of Excellence and public and private partners. This was an opportunity for Cyber-Detect to respond to the AI & Cyber challenges that are imposed in France, in Europe and worldwide.
- Finally, we went to the Military School of Paris to participate in cyber-war exercises whose objective is to promote the spirit of innovation and to think about the technical challenges of the special operations of the future. In this context, we made a pitch on desobfuscation and how to recognize malware from goodware: a present and future issue for cybersecurity.
This involvement in the CONCORDIA Consortium goes beyond the project by positioning us as a relay of this cluster of excellence of cyber actors. As a French company, we are actively participating in the project of digital sovereignty in Europe for which we believe and work every day.